In Memory Of
James Patrick Bulger
1990 - 1993
Full NameJames Patrick Bulger
Born16th March 1990
Passed Away12th February 1993
2 Years
Memorial Wall
Darkness just reminds me
And the sun can't hope to soothe me
You're forever in my thoughts
And if you're there you'll see it moves me
I just pray my thoughts can find you
Hug you, comfort and protect you
And this world, for all its faults,
Can't, and never will, forget you
There's no way that I can ever hope
To wipe away those tears
But your memory has never dimmed
Despite the marching years
There are many who would give so much
To hear your voice, to hug you tight
You're special and make no mistake
So many hearts were cracked that night.
31 May 2007
Intro text
Sweet little boy taken from earth too soon. ~ RIP James Bulger ~
14 Dec 2006